Sunday, September 19, 2010
Pirate Scavenger Hunt Continued
Pirate Scavenger Hunt
September 1-15, 2010
September 1 - 15
To start September off I went in for a visit to the doctors. My stomach was not feeling well and I wanted to make sure I didn't have any parasite or anything. After registering in one building, going back and forth between a few other buildings and spending about 4 hours there I was exhausted; and all just to be told I had nothing wrong with me, it might just be the food. :-S ha ha ha. I am happy to know I'm not dying though.^_^
I had my first go at making tortillas the other day. They were a little thick but turned out ok. I was very impressed for a first attempt. As a matter of fact, I will be trying again tonight.
I bought a learning tool for myself the other day; it's a pen meant for kids. The pen is programmed to read certain books and the books have pin ying and Chinese characters in it so as I read along I can start to recognize which character is which. I looked into a program at the university that teaches basic Chinese, but it's almost $1000 CND for one semester and conflicts with my schedule. I'm very sad about that. I was under the impression that the university had enough courses that they could work around your schedule, but it seems I was mistaken. With that said I've asked my Chinese Teacher, Jessie if she would be up to the task of doing two lessons a week with me; I'm still waiting for a response. She puts tons of work into her lessons so I can appreciate her decision if she says no; it would still be nice to have more lessons though. I did try to google "I want to take a beginner Chinese course in Wenzhou, China" and was pretty blown away when I saw this:
… you might be wondering why I was blown away; let me tell you: I'm the first web page on that list after the advertisements. ^_^ Julia's China Blog is mine! Ha ha ha ha. I think it's so cool to see it there.
I have two new private lessons that started this month. A lady named Zhen Li Dan who will have two lessons a week with me, and a group of four kids who have one lesson a week with me; and if they continue to behave the way they are now, I will be refusing to continue lessons with them. I'm not even kidding; these kids are CRAZY! They barely listen to me and I now have to make the lessons VERY simple for them (even though I know they can do the harder stuff) they just don't want to work at it. Even if the parents try to pay me more I will not teach their kids if they keep this behavior up. It's just not worth it. The lady; on a lighter note, seems great! I've only had one lesson with her so far but she is very eager to learn English.
The weather is starting to cool down a bit now; today for example it only got to 32 degrees instead of the usual 38. The nights are the perfect temperature most of the time. I think I may have even adapted to the heat better than I anticipated because there was one night that I even got chilly and it must have only been 25 or so. Just the other day I had my first real typhoon experience…safely from my apartment… it was POURING; it looked like someone took a huge bucket of water and just dumped it out over Wenzhou. I tried to take a few pictures to show but I don't know how well they worked out. It rained solid like that for an hour, then nothing, then an hour later it was dry ground again. It was kind of eerie. As for the storm itself it wasn't anything too special; a bit more wind than normal storms and lightning and thunder almost every 30 seconds or so; overall it just seemed like a regular storm with LOTS of rain.
I participated in a Pirate Scavenger Hunt this month. It was a ton of fun! We had a huge list of things to do and with every task we had to wear mustaches and the captain had to wear an eye patch. I'll add some pictures so you can see a few of them. Needless to say, by the end of the day I had a duck on my head.
Enjoy the pictures!
View from my bedroom on a normal day.
View from my bedroom while raining during typhoon.
Close up of pipe.