Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jan 19 2010

January 17, 2010

Today we went to James school to meet the rest of the teachers and saw the fencing room. We went back to the main school to judge a talent show sort of thing and then went for a nice dinner with Simon and Craig (a couple other foreign teachers.

January 18, 2010

Today I followed Simon in his classes and then joined the Story Forest group with their plays. It seems that I will be focusing on Story Forest and Brandy will be focusing on lessons. Story Forest is pretty much acting out fairy tales for the kids. I feel like I lucked out with that bit; although I haven't gotten a schedule yet so I don't really know if I'm teaching classes yet or not.

Once Story Forest ended Frances took myself, Eric, and Elaine out for dinner. There was the most delicious pork dish and dumplings. Ooo we had a tomato dish as well that was yummy and they were spitting out the skins. I thought this was hilarious because they will eat every part of a cow, but can't handle the skin of a tomato.

January 19, 2010

Today I had to go into the school for a rehearsal…as usual it was all Chinese. I'm still unsure as to where I'm supposed to fit into the plays…I don't think they do either. Craig (another foreign teacher) came by to see if I wanted to go to the stores for some shopping with him and Brandy, I got permission from Eric to go and made sure they didn't need me. We went to a paint/artist shop that I plan on taking Nea to, a music shop that I plan on taking Caleb to, went for dinner and came home. We are planning on playing cards later and hopefully have an early night.


  1. It sounds like you are eating and shopping .... the most important thing in a girls life!! Glad to hear it! Your right about the tomoto skins .... crazy!

  2. You really did luck out! Kids and acting...two of your favorite things :) That really is funny about the tomato skins! lol What shops have you found the most interesting for yourself?

  3. James told me this news about you getting to teach drama - and I am SO jealous!!

    I miss you already, and am loving these updates. All is well...and normal here. Just working on school, and thinking way too much about my upcomming move than I should be.

    I wish I could afford to come see you, my friend!

    Keep being brave, keep trying new things, and keep having fun!

    Love you!


  4. Tell us about the environment. What are sunrises like? How the air smells. The street sounds, continuous, loud or not. Can you hear nature, birds, the wind. The humidity.
    What about how things are layed out? Width of sidewalks, do pedestrians have the right of way? How many cars are there? Buses? Trains? Are planes flying overhead regularily? How clean is it? What about colours? Advertising signage? Media, magazines, newspapers?

  5. HOw's it going Chicken Little? Haven't heard from you in awhile...Trust all is well...
    Love ya lots!
